The Complete Guide To 4 Types of Coffee Roasts and their Characteristics

The Complete Guide To 4 Types of Coffee Roasts and their Characteristics

You’ve heard of the 4 types of coffee roasts (light, medium, medium-dark and dark roast), but what do they all mean? Do you feel like you’re always ordering the wrong coffee because you can’t tell the difference between the different type of coffee roasts? Well, rest easy. The Complete Guide to the 4 Types of…

What is Single Origin Coffee, Why It’s So Popular, and Finding the Best One for You

What is Single Origin Coffee, Why It’s So Popular, and Finding the Best One for You

What Is Single Origin Coffee? If you’re a regular at your local java shop, you have probably seen the words single origin pop up. But do you know what that really means? Unless you’re a coffee enthusiast, you are probably still unsure about the terminology that seems to be popping out everywhere. Single origin coffee…

The Four Main Types of Coffee Beans and Their Characteristics

The Four Main Types of Coffee Beans and Their Characteristics

Are you a coffee-lover, too? After you have enjoyed your morning cup of joe, it’s likely that the last thing on your mind is the different types of coffee beans, but truly, it is important to know when choosing the best coffee for you. And, a rather fascinating topic! When we think about how coffee is…